Farah Farah, architect

Work experience
Associate at Yashar architects
June 2010 – March 2014
Tel-Aviv, Israel
- Vitania Towers, Tel Aviv, Israel. Role: leading design architect and project manager, planning the project form initial sketches to construction phase. Type: office tower and car showrooms. Total area: 75,000 sqm, including 600 parking lots. Status: under construction.
- Hacharash master plan, Tel Aviv, Israel. Type: A Mixed use business center including offices, commerce and residential use. Elements: 6 towers of 40 stories. Total area: 500,000 sqm. Status: under construction.
- Herzelia Hills- Herzelia, Herzelia, Israel (competition entry). Role: preparing the master plan, preliminary design of the buildings. Type: exclusive residential neighborhood. Elements: 6 buildings including 470 condos. Total area: 54,000 sqm. Status: feasibility study.
- Walla tower, Tel Aviv, Israel. Role: preliminary design and study.Type: Master Plan for a 30 stories mixed-use tower, including offices, commerce and residential floors. Total area: 28,000 sqm. Status: feasibility study.
- Gindi Tel-Aviv (Hashuk Hasitonai), Tel Aviv, Israel. Role: initial design. Type: large scale project including 900 apartments, shopping mall, Public Park and public facilities. Total area: 460,000 sqm. Status: under construction.
- Hassan Arafe tower, Tel-Aviv, Israel. Role: preliminary design and study.Type: office tower and retail. Elements: 26 stories and 5 basement stories. Total area: 45,000 sqm. Status: feasibility study.
- Tara master plan, Tel Aviv, Israel. Role: preliminary design. Type: A new master plan for mixed-use complex including 4 office towers, retail areas, Public Square and future connection to the Shalom train station. Total area: 250,000 sqm.
Architect at Mann Shinar architects
August 2006 – July 2010
Tel-Aviv, Israel
- Motorola Headquarter, Airport City,Israel. Role: team architect. Type: office building. Total area: 70,000 sqm. Status: Completed.
- Pernick Building, Ramat-Gan, Israel. Role: preliminary design. Type: addition of 2 floors to Pernick building. Total area: 2700 sqm. Status: completed.
- Shenkar College master plan, Ramat-Gan, Israel. Role: Type: competition Winning proposal. Total area: 7000 sqm.
- Teshrey School, Netanya,Israel. Type: kindergartens + Elementary school. Total Area: 3000 sqm. Role: leading architect.
Status: Completed.
- Big Center, Yehud, Israel. Role: team architect. Type: Life-Style commercial center. Total Area: 20,000 sqm. Status: in progress.
- Big Caniel Commercial and Office Center, Petach Tikva, Israel. Role: team architect. Type: Life-Style center and 9 office buildings, including 2 towers 25 stories heigh. Total Area: 300,000 sqm. Status: in progress.
- Azrieli Rishonim Mall and Office Tower. Rishon Lezion, Israel. Role: team architect. Type: Mixed use. Total Area: 200,000 sqm.
Status: in progress.
- School for Disabled Children, Tel-Sheva, Israel. Role: architect in charge. Type: public building. Status: competition entry.
- Jerusalem District Court, Jerusalem, Israel. Role: team architect. Type: public building. Status: competition entry.
Junior architect at Chyutin Architects
January 2006 – August 2006
Givataiem, Israel
- Negev Gallery, Ben Gurion University. Area: 3000 sqm. Status: feasibility study.
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
2006 B.Arch. , from the faculty of Architecture & Town Planning (cum laude)
2010 - present
2010 - present