Honors & Awards
- WA Honorable award (2009); “Hub-T” project was awarded for the project of the year.From World Architecture website.
Judges - Arch. Massimilliano Fuksas, Arch. Fumihiko Makki, Arch. Arata Isozaki, Arch. Bernad Khoury, Arch. Eric Own Moss, Arch. Hanni Rashid (Asymptote), Arch. Kenneth Frampton, Arch. Tzvi Hecker, Arch. Mario Botta.
- WA Honorable award (2009); "Contour museum" competition entry.From World Architecture website. Judges - Arch. Massimilliano Fuksas, Arch. Fumihiko Makki, Arch. Arata Isozaki, Arch. Bernad Khoury, Arch. Eric Own Moss, Arch. Hanni Rashid (Asymptote), Arch. Kenneth Frampton, Arch. Tzvi Hecker, Arch. Mario Botta.
- Um El-Fahem museum international competition (2008); awarded for 2nd place.
- AI Honorable award (2008); “Hub-T” project.From AI magazine, Israel. Judged by- Arch. Hanni Rashid - Asymptote, Arch. Ada Karmi Melamed, Prof. Baruch Baruch, Arch. Jacob Yaar, Arch. Alizza Broyda, Arch. Ami Ran.
- David Azrieli National competition (2007); 1st place winner. This competition is held annually between all faculties of architecture in Israel.“Hub-T” project was selected as one of the best innovating and promising final projects of the year.
- Technion Honorable award (2007); “Hub-T” project was awarded the Final Project Excellence prize.From the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.
- Joseph Golob prize for interior design (2005); “Bat-Galim restaurant”.From the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.
- Gideon Nusbaoum prize for 4th year studio (2005); "B-online" project.From the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.
2010 - present
2010 - present